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Pubblicazioni - Prof.ssa Maria Luigia PALLOTTA


Pubblicazioni presenti sul Catalogo Istituzionale

Elenco delle pubblicazioni


https://www.corrierenazionale. net/?p=225611&preview=true 2024/02/03/il-nuovo-paradigma- della-medicina-atta-a- migliorare-la-salute-delle- donne-prevenzione- delle- malattie-versus-cura/ https://www.stampaparlamento. it/?p=30897&preview=true https://www.progetto-radici. it/2024/02/03/il-nuovo- paradigma-della-medicina-atta- a-migliorare-la-salute-delle- donne-prevenzione-delle- malattie-versus-cura/

Scientific Memories in Chronological Order (i.e. most recent  i.e-2024 MAY)

Maria Luigia Pallotta (2024) august EBEC Innsbruck

Maria Luigia Pallotta 2024 Thalidomide revisited : advanced in medical research on chiral pharmaceutical intermediates.Submitted and acceptated oral presentation EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION (ESCI) 2024, Barcelona, ESPANA



MLPallotta82024) invited Speaker WSES Prague NAD immunemetabolites and healthy aging in covid19 post pandemic : a framework for gender medicine

Maria Luigia PallottaBio[chemist/physicist]


Royal Society Medicine FELLOW from 2021

American Association for Advancement of the Sciences (AAAS) MEMBERSHIP 2019


AAVV & MLPallotta corresponding author 2024 ISH BUCHAREST ROMANIA 1 and 2 HEALTH SECTION ( 2 PAPERS PRESENTED)

AAVV & Pallotta Maria Luigia (2024) corresponding author  and INVITED SPEAKERJ online 2024 Global PHARMA CEUTICALS & Pharma Industry Conference DuBAI, UAF


AAVV & Pallotta  2024Maria Luigia()corresponding author  online 2024 EMCEI, Marrakech, MOROCCO


Pallotta ML (2023) The new personalised and precision medicine paradigm for a wider preventative measure to improve women’s health: disease prevention versus treatment D&S , Area Territoriale di Ricerca di Bo, Centro Congressi via Gobetti 101Italy NB Given that an overlap of commitmentsI could not go in person, my abstract was not included in the Absracts Book but it is possible to view it online at the site Corriere....3 Feb 2024

Pallotta ML (2023) “Superfoods”: current state and future trends to help consumers make healthier food choices 3rd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping a healthy and sustainable food chain through knowledge by Elsevier Dresda2023

Pallotta ML (2022)NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H pool and the art of mitochondrial survival. Bioblast 2022: BioenergeticsCommunications Inaugural Conference. In:, Innsbruck 2022

Pallotta ML (2022) Chipper Preferences in Snack and Mealtime: Erroneous Eating Behaviors Versus Healthfullness Nutrition of Youth Sport Participants and their Families EC NUtrition Research Protocol 17/6)Published: May 24

Pallotta ML (2022)Novel challenges in disease managments by bacterial-free extracts with benefits to the host but without the risk of side effects Editorial ECMicrobiology,18(6): 01-02 

F Rossi , C Amadoro  , M LPallotta,  G Colavita (2022) Variability of genetic characters associated with probiotic functions in Lacticaseibacillus species   Microorganism (MDPI) OPEN ACCESS   doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10051023, online may 12, 2022

ML Pallotta Bentham Science Ambassador from 2022

Sessione Poster – Donne e Scienza 2022 (

Pallotta ML (2022) Current and potential therapies targeting  inflammation in COVID-19 pandemic era: the key role towards gender-based personalized medicine Donne&Scienza, 21-22 Feb Modena Italy

Sessione Poster – Donne e Scienza 2022 (

  3. Sessione Poster – Donne e Scienza 2022 (

Rossi F, Pallotta ML (2021) Bacteriocin Producing Cultures: A Sustainable WaforFood Safety Improvement and Probiotics with Additional Health PromotingEffects , Book Chapter in The Encyclopedia of Bacteriology Research Developments, 2021, 11, pp1151-1183 (visible on Scopus)

Pallotta ML (2020) Cutting edge and hypotheses on L-proline mitochondrial metabolism and autophagy: novel prospective and possible therapeutics in COVID-19 pandemic era, in Enzyme Engineering Volume: and Issue: S(2)-4 Longdom

Pallotta ML (2020) Hydrophobic vitamins & micronutrients by postbiotics for healthy digestive systems, WEBINAR Glycobiology and Digestive System. September30

Pallotta ML (2020) Biochemical pathways to NAD plus, a multi-faceted metabolite, in COVID19 Pandemic novel era WEBINAR Enzymology 2020/8/14

Pallotta ML(2020)The nutritional status of individuals as an indicator of resilience against destabilization in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: a new era for developing sustainable and leading-edge food systemsEditorial on ECNutrition, 2020 July 14, 14.9: 01-05,

Pallotta ML (2020)Humanized Yeast Models of Misfolding Diseases: A Comparative Study of Experimental Advantages Mini Review in EC Microbiology 16.6 : 38-43.

 Gnaiger Erich et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group* including Pallotta ML Mitochondrial physiology Bioenerg Commun 2020.1 https://doi:10.26124/bec:2020-0001.v1 1 of 44 

 Pallotta ML(2019) “Riboflavin/Vitamin B2 and Lactic Acid Bacteria”. Column Editor EC Microbiology ECO.02 : 03-06.
Pallotta ML (2019)A framework for investigating the NAD+ world 2.0 employing Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria where NMN metabolism  reveals a decisive rule in regulating the purine pool, NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H level and Pi homeostasis SIB 2019 60th Congress - Lecce, sezione Membrane

Pallotta ML (2019“Flavin Cofactors FMN and FAD, the Biologically Active Forms of Riboflavin and Healthy Life”.  Editorial on EC Nutrition 14.8 (2019): 614-615.

Pallotta ML (2019) Listeriosis Patients by Listeria monocytogenes infection: a resurgent foodborne disease in immune-compromised subjects  Opinion in EC Microbiology, vol15 (7)637-639

Pallotta ML(2019)   Annurca apple nutraceutical setting up for possible multiple human health benefits  EC nutrition, 2019 Editorial  14(5): 395-397

PallottaML(2019) NMNa bioactive nucleotide with beneficial pharmacological activities in preclinical studies added to Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria changes Adenylate Energetic Charge thus modulating cellular survival abstract   FEBS Congress 2019, FEBS OPEN BIO Volume 9 pages 142-142 Supplement 1 , 

Pallotta ML (2019) Cutting edge on phytochemicals uptake and bioenergetics performance: mitochondrion as a cornstone for managing healthy aging  Model-it  

Pallotta ML,(2019) Alternative food source in NCDs patients: recent advances in JA tuber as model system in bioenergetics and mitochondrial metabolism studies. Model-it

Gnaiger E,  + different authors including MLPallotta (2018) Mitochondrial respiratory states and rates COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE preprint Version: 2018-12-21 (51)MitoEAGLE Task Group:  Gnaiger E,  + different authors 

M. Ayaz Ahmad, Hanen Enneb,  Pallotta  MLSyed Khalid Mustafa (2018) Some Aspects of Environmental Radiation and Energy Safety ICWEES  conference 

Ayaz Ahmad,V. Lyashenko, C.V. Anghel Drugarin,A.K. Alekesoska,Pallotta ML (2018) Study of energy deposition and dose distributions for photon beam in Super KEKB acceleratorM. 6thInternational Congress on Physics of Radiation-Matter Interaction, May  Morocco DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.17288.47360

Amadoro A,  Rossi  F, Pallotta ML,  Gasperi M,  Colavita GP (2018)Traditional dairy products can supply beneficial microorganisms able to survive in the gastrointestinal tract Carmela Amadoroa, Franca Rossib,∗, Maria Luigia Pallottaa, Maurizio Gasperia, Giampaolo ColavitaLWT - Food Science and Technology  93: 276-283

Pallotta ML (2018) NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H Pool and the art of mitochondrial maintenance Biochemistry Revealing Characteristics of Life Matters, Gaining Insight into the Behaviers of Biomolecules BIT’s 9th Anniversary, World DNA DAY 2018 Accelerating Great Cooperation on Belt  and Progress, Dalian, China 25-27 April 2018中国(大连)第九届国际基因节 (

Pallotta  ML (2018) Probiotic features of Lactic acid Bacteria, isolated from artisanal Italian dairy products: a positive role in wellbeing and health and a promising experimental design Editorial in EC Microbiology 22 December 2017 14.2(2018) 26-28

Pallotta ML, Rossi F, Amodoro C , Pizzuto R, M Gasperi, G Colavita (2016) Candidate probiotic strains, with immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects, isolated from traditional Italian dairy productsJournal of International Society of Microbiota, Volume 3 – Issue 1, 2016 DOI: 10.18143/JISM_v3i1

Pallotta ML (2016) Monitoring NAD(P)H levels and their relevance to bioenergetics using Fluorescence-Based Strategies in salivary samples: a possible biomarker in the detection of cancer and precancer  EUSTM congress;   on New Horizons in Translational Medicine (NHTM, Elsevier, indexed in Scopus® & Embase)

Pallotta ML (2016) L-proline homeostasis, substrate channeling and mitochondrial flavine turnover in microenvironment: phenotypic landscape of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for pharmacological screening in silico/in vitro Abstract submitted and approved  to 41st Febs Congress , Molecular and Systems Biology for a Better life, Area Epigenetics and Cancer 3-8 September 2016 Ephesus / Kuşadası Turkey
Rossi F, Pallotta ML (2016) Bacteriocin Producing Cultures: A Sustainable Way for Food Safety Improvement and Probiotics with Additional Health Promoting Effects  International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers  22 (1):59-91, ISSN 1081-3829
Pallotta ML (2015) 68 genes for Yeast Flavoproteoma: updates of Flavin Biosynthesis, Transport and Catabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria3rd International Conference on Integrative Biology, August 04-06 Valence Spain  Biol Syst Open Access ISSN: 2329-6577doi: 10.4172/2329-6577.S1.003
Pallotta ML (2015) The Aquarian Age in cancer therapy: biobankers, biomarkers, and much more↔getting of the root of the problem ↔NAD+ an ancient metabolite with surprising modernity ↔Mitochondrial NAD pool, tumour microenvironment and metastasis Cell Symposia, Multifaceted Mitochondria, Chicago July 19-21
Pallotta ML (2015) Boosting NAD(P)+ biosynthesis with NAD(P)+ intermediates and monitoring mitochondrial NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H pool by means of Fluorescence-Based techniques could be a strategy for preventing and treating Woman’s Cancers. FEBS Congress  Berlin July 4-9, 2015 Accession Number: WOS:000362570605033.
Rossi F., Colavita G., Amadoro C. and Pallotta ML (2015) Traditional Italian dairy products: a flavourful source of naturally occurring bacteria with beneficial effects on health. Bageco 13th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology, The Microbiol Continuity Across Evolving Ecosystems, 14-18 June Milan.
.Pallotta ML (2014) NMN, an intermediate in the salvage pathway, helps to increase the intramitochondrial NAD+ concentration in yeast and influences NAD+/NADH ratio: possible function as metabolic read-out 65. Mosbacher Kolloquium - Molecular Protein Quality Control in Health, Aging and Disease, German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,  Mosbach Germany 26th-29th March  DOI: 10.3288/contoo.paper.2990
Pallotta ML (2014) Exogenous NMN fuels mitochondrial NAD pool in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: probably role as sensitive and dynamic regulator of energy metabolism in response to a cellular microenvironment and its application in human health Giornata scientifica del Gruppo Membrane e Bioenergetica della SIBBM Matera 28-29 Maggio 

Pallotta ML (2014) 68 genes for yeast flavoproteoma: general aspects in Flavin biosynthesis, transport and catabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria 2ndInternational Symposium on Energy challenges and Mechanics- Session Bioenergetics  University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United kingdom

Pallotta ML (2014) Mitochondrial NAD pool ad metastasis Cells, proteins and  bioprocessing (Nature) London (England) 17th-19th  June 
Pallotta ML (2014) L-Proline uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria can contribute to bioenergetics during nutrient stress as alternative mitochondrial fuel online 2013  World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 30(1):19-21 DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1415-0
 Pallotta ML (2013) New insights into L-Proline uptake and mitochondrial energetic metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Frankfurt/Main, Germany. August 29-September 3, 2013.  Yeast (Chichester, England)  Volume: 30 Suppl 1   Pages: S22-253   Published: Sep 
Pallotta ML (2012) Mitochondrial involvement to methylglyoxal detoxification: D-Lactate/Malate antiporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek  102:163–175. DOI 10.1007/s10482-012-9724-0 
Pallotta ML (2011) Evidence for the presence of a FAD pyrophosphatase and a FMN phosphohydrolase in yeast mitochondria: a possible role in flavin homeostasis Yeast. 2011 28(10): 693-705. doi: 10.1002/yea.1897
C. Di Martino, ML Pallotta (2011)Mitochondria-localized NAD biosynthesis by nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) heterotrophic tissues  Planta 234(4): 657-70 doi:10.1007/s00425-011-1428-6
Pallotta ML (2010) Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria contain enzymes capable of hydrolyzing FMN and FAD to riboflavin: probably function in flavoprotein deflavination and reconstitution in cell grown under glucose limitation. 35th FEBS Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden on FEBS Journal  Vol: 277: 221-221 
ML Pallotta and C Di Martino (2010) A new mitochondrial three-component pyridine nucleotide pathway, namely a NMN→NAD→NADP route, is functional in plant heterotrophic tissues 35th FEBS Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden on. FEBS Journal  Vol: 277: 221-221 
C Di Martino, ML Pallotta and G Palumbo (2010) Effect of phosphorus availability on nitrogen assimilation in durum wheat mycorrhized plants. 2ndCongress of the Italian Society of Plant Biology SIBV, Rome 
 Pallotta ML  (2009) Plant cells respond to ageing by implementing an emergency survival strategy: increase mitochondrial pyridine dinucleotides pool via NMN-AT. Third SMBBM International Congress of Biochemistry, IUBMB Special Meeting on Plant Stress & 6 th Congress of FASBMB 
 Pallotta ML (2008) Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for studying mitochondria natural flavin catabolism.  16th International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins June
 ML. Pallotta and C. Di Martino  (2007)Existence of intramitochondrial nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyl-transferase activity, which allows for NAD+ synthesis from NMN and endogenous ATP in aged-dehydrated slices tubers of Helianthus tuberosus.  3 rd Cell Stress Society International Congress on Stress responses in Biology and Medicine and 2nd Word Conference of Stress 23-26 August 2007 Budapest (Hungary) Cell Stress & Chaperones Online ISSN: 1466-1268Print ISSN: 1355-8145Vol. 12, Issue 2 (Summer ).
ML. Pallotta, C. Di Martino (2007) Mitochondrion participates in the pathway of NAD(P) biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita, IX National Congress September 
C. Di Martino, ML Pallotta  (2007)New insights into the NAD synthesis in mitochondria isolated from fresh and aged-dehydrated tubers of Jerusalem artichoke Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita,  IX  National Congress September  
ML Pallotta, C Di Martino (2007) Age-related changes in proline mitochondrial transport and metabolism in Jerusalem artichoke tubers  Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita, IX National Congress September
C. Di Martino, R. Pizzuto, ML. Pallotta, A. De Santis and S. Passarella (2006) Mitochondrial transport in proline catabolism in plants: the existence of two separate translocators in mitochondria isolated from durum wheat seedlings  Planta  223(6):1123-1133. 
Pallotta ML (2006) D-Lactate/malate antiporter, in response to the cellular carbonyl stress mediated by methylglyoxal, in yeast mitochondria.  FEBS Journal (2006) Vol. 273 Supplement 1, 234-234 31st FEBS Congress Molecules in Health & Desease, Istanbul June on Febs J.
C Di Martino and ML Pallotta (2006)Mitochondria isolated from fresh and aged-dehydrated slices tubers of Jerusalem artichoke can synthesize NAD(P) from NMN externally added  Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita, VIII National Congress October 
 C Di Martino and ML Pallotta (2006) Proline accumulation in durum wheat seedlings under  salt stress conditions depends on its own mitochondrial transport. Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita, VIII National Congress October 2006
Pallotta ML (2005) The role of proline uptake in yeast mitochondria and the feast-famine regime. Yeast, Vol.22 Issue S1 August  Supplement " XXII International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology "Bratislava Slovak Republic.
Maria Luigia Pallotta, Daniela Valenti, Michelina Iacovino and Salvatore Passarella (2004) Two separate pathways for D-lactate oxidation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae which differ in energy production and carrier involvement.  Biochim Biophys Acta -Bioenergetics.1608(2-3):104-13. 
 Pallotta ML (2004) Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria.  Gene Transcription in Yeast: EuroConference. (European Science Foundation) Spain June 
Pallotta ML (2004) The existence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of a protective mechanism in response to methylglyoxal: the role of D-lactate movement across the inner mitochondrial membrane and its function on gluconeogenesis. 2004 Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology University of Washington, Seattle, WA. July 27 - August 1
ML. Pallotta, D. Valenti, M. Iacovino and S. Passarella  (2003) D-lactate transport and metabolism in isolated Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria.  "XXI International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology"  Goteborg, Sweden. July 7-12, on Yeast (2003) Jul, Supp l , S11-390 
Catello Di Martino, Roberto Pizzuto, Maria Luigia Pallotta, Donato Pastore, Aurelio De Santis and Salvatore Passarella (2003) Proline catabolism and mitochondrial transport: the occurence of the proline uniporter and of the proline/glutamate antiporter in mitochondria isolated from durum wheat.  5° Convegno Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita
Fratianni A., Pastore D., Pallotta ML., Chiatante D. and Passarella S.(2001) Increase of membrane permeability of mitochondria isolated from water stress adapted potato cells.  Bioscience Reports 21: 81-91.

Fratianni A., ML. Pallotta, De Virgilio C., Chiatante D. and Passarella (1999)S. The effect of water stress on certain features of ADP/ATP and Succinate/malate antiports in mitochondria isolated from Solanum tuberosum cell suspension cultures  GIBB, Scuola Superiore di Specializzazione Sant'Anna Pisa-September, relazione orale by MLPallotta 
Pallotta ML., Fratianni A., Simone S. and Passarella S (1999) Fumarate/malate antiport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria  International Symposium on Molecular Basis of Biomembrane Monopoli (Ba) June Fratianni A., 

Pallotta ML., De Virgilio C., Chiatante D. and Passarella S. (1999) Water stress affects ADP/ATP and succinate/malate antiports in mitochondria isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum) cell suspension cultures International Symposium on Molecular Basis of Biomembrane
 Pallotta ML., Fratianni A. and Passarella S.(1999) Metabolites transport in isolated yeast mitochondria: fumarate/malate and succinate/malate antiports  FEBS Letters 462: 313-316 
ML. Pallotta, C. Brizio, A. Fratianni, C.De Virgilio, M. Barile, S. Passarella (1998) Saccharomyces cerevisae mitochondria can synthesise FMN and FAD from externally added riboflavin and export them to the extramitochondrial phase  FEBS Letters  428: 245-249 

 A. Fratianni, ML. Pallotta, D. Chiatante, S. Passarella  (1997)Effect of laser irradiation on the proliferative activity of Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings  Ital. J. Bioc.  46 (1) 1-60
D. Chiatante, A. Fratianni, ML. Pallotta, S. Passarella (1997) Increase in the proliferative activity of Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings by He-Ne Laser irradiation of embryos  Laser & Technology Vol. 7, No1-2, 13-18 
ML. Pallotta, A. Fratianni, C. Brizio, C. De Virgilio, M. Barile e S. Passarella (1997) Processi di trasporto in mitocondri di Saccharomyces cerevisiae  GIBB-SIB Giugno  
ML. Pallotta, A. Fratianni D. Chiatante and S. Passarella (1996) Effetto del laser ad Helium-Neon sulla crescita di piantule di Phaseolus vulgaris II Convegno Nazionale Congiunto di Fotobiologia e Fotobiochimica Maratea Giugno 
A. Fratianni, ML. Pallotta, D. Chiatante S. Passarella (1996)  Alterazioni biochimiche in plantule di Phaseolus vulgaris derivate da embrioni irraggiati con laser ad Helium-Neon  Sezioni meridionali SIB Potenza 
G.Salzano, ML. Pallotta, M. F. Maddonni, R. Coppola, F. Villani, C. Sorlini (1995) Identification of Listeria monocytogenes in food and environmental by polymerase chain reaction  Journal of environmental science and health  Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering & Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control A 30 (1): 63-71 
 F. Pilla ,S. Dell’Aquila, L. Taibi, C. Tripaldi, S. Puppo, F. Napolitano, ML. Pallotta, M. Angelucci, A. Girolami (1995) Influenza del polimorfismo genetico della Beta-lattoglobulina su alcune caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e tecnologiche del latte di pecora  XI Congresso A. S. P. A. Grado Giugno 
S. Torriani, ML. Pallotta (1994) Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction to detect Listeria monocytogenes in silages.  Biotechnology Techniques  Vol 8 N° 3: 157-160 
S. Torriani, ML. Pallotta (1994) Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction to detect Listeria monocytogenes in silages.  Biotechnology Techniques (1994) Vol 8 N° 3: 157-160 

 ML. Pallotta, A. Bellitti, F. Pilla e A. Girolami (1994) Distribuzione degli alleli A e B mediante PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) e RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism).  Biotechnology for milk production Torino Novembre Relazione orale by MLP
G. Salzano, R. Coppola, M.F. Maddonni, ML. Pallotta, F. Villani e C. Sorlini.(1993)  Identification of Listeria monocytogenes in Mozzarella Cheese by Polymerase Chain Reaction employment.  Ann. Microbiol. Enzimol.  43: 159-163. 
G. Salzano, R. Coppola, M.F. Maddonni, ML. Pallotta, F. Villani e C. Sorlini (1993) Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in environment and food by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction in technique.  Sixth European Congress on Biotechology Firenze 

Dellaglio, S. Torriani, F. Gardini, ML. Pallotta.(1993) Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR) to detect Listeria monocytogenes in silage and modelling of the growth in relation of some chemico-physical factors.  Silage Reserch 10th International Conference on Silage Research. Dublin (Ireland) 
F. Dellaglio, V. Giaccone, S. Torriani, G. Salzano, G. Colavita, A. Mazzeo and  ML Pallotta. (1993) The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as a rapid method to detect Salmonella spp. in fresh meat and meat products. The International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene Bingen (Germany) 

F. Dellaglio, V. Giaccone, S. Torriani, G. Colavita, G. Salzano and ML. Pallotta (1993)  The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as a rapid method to detect Salmonella spp. in red meat.  The International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene Bingen (Germany) 
S. Torriani, G. Salzano, ML. Pallotta e F. Dellaglio (1992) Impiego della "Polymerase Chain Reaction" (PCR) per rilevare Listeria monocytogenes negli insilati.  S. I. M. 24° Congresso Nazionale. Genova  
G. Salzano, ML. Pallotta, M. F. Maddonni, F. Villani, R. Coppola e C. Sorlini (1992) Uso della "Polymerase Chain Reaction" (PCR) per rilevare Listeria monocytogenes negli alimenti.  S. I. M . 24° Congresso Nazionale. Genova 

Chapter in book

Bacteriocins: Production, Applications and Safety Edited by T Padilla Chapter 1 : Bacteriocin Producing Cultures: A Sustainable Way for Food Safety Improvement and Probiotics with Additional Health Promoting Effects (2016) ISBN: 978-1-63484-531-1 F Rossi, ML Pallotta

Nulla è più triste di una bassezza che non ha portato frutti -KK