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Pubblicazioni - Prof. ANGELO PRESENZA


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Elenco delle pubblicazioni



Riviste di Fascia A

  1. Casali, L., Liu, Y., Presenza, A., Moyle, C. (In Press), How does familiarity shape destination image and loyalty for visitors and residents?, Journal of Vacation Marketing.
  2. Abbate, T., Cesaroni, F., Presenza, A. (2020), Knowledge transfer from universities to low- and medium-technology industries: evidence from Italian winemakers, Journal of Technologicy Transfer,
  3. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Meleddu, M., Sheehan, L. (2020), Start-up entrepreneurs’ personality traits. An exploratory analysis of the Italian tourism industry, Current Issues in Tourism, 23(17), 2146-2164
  4. Presenza, A., Messeni Petruzzelli, A. (2019), Haute cuisine and country of origin, British Food Journal, 122(1), 136-150.
  5. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Cesaroni, F., Appio, F.P. (2019), Enacting social crowdfunding business ecosystems: The case of the platform Meridonare, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 143, 190-201.
  6. Presenza, A., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., (2019), Investigating Business Model Innovation in Haute Cuisine. Role and behavior of chef-entrepreneurs, International Journal of Hospitality Management 82(September), 101-111.
  7. Presenza, A, Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Sheehan, L. (2019), Innovation through tradition in hospitality. The Italian case of Albergo Diffuso, Tourism Management, 72(June), 192-201.
  8. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Meleddu, M., Cesaroni, F. (2017), Small- and medium-scale Italian winemaking companies facing the open innovation challenge, International Small Business Journal, 35(3), 327-348.
  9. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Casali, G., Perano, M. (2017), An innovative approach to the intellectual property in haute cuisine, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 65, 81-88.
  10. Sheehan, L., Vargas-Sánchez. A., Presenza, A., Abbate, T. (2016). The Use of Intelligence in Tourism Destination Management: An Emerging Role for DMOs, The International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(6), 549-557.


Riviste scientifiche

  1. Presenza, A., Panniello, U., Messeni Petruzzelli, A. (2020), Tourism Multi-Sided Platforms and the Social Innovation Trajectory: The case of Airbnb, Creativity and Innovation Management,
  2. Abbate, T., Presenza, A., Cesaroni, F., Meleddu, M., Sheehan, L. (2019), Creativity and innovation in haute cuisine restaurants: factors affecting the creative process of Michelin-rated chefs, Sinergie Italian journal of management, 37(1), 109-124.
  3. Presenza, A., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Natalicchio, A. (2019), Business Model Innovation for Sustainability. Highlights from the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Sustainability, 11, 212.
  4. Casali, L., Perano, M., Presenza, A., Abbate, T. (2018), Does innovation propensity influence wineries’ distribution channel decisions?, International Journal of Wine Business Research, 30(4), 446-462.
  5. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Vargas-Sánchez, A., Harrison, T. (2018), Creativity and Innovation: The Case of Haute Cuisine, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 22(6), 562-577.
  6. Perfetto, M. C., Presenza, A. (2017), Conceptualising Industrial Heritage Tourism Management, International Journal of Tourism Policy, 7, 110-128.
  7. Abbate, T., Presenza, A., Viassone, M. (2017), The development of sustainable tourism through market-based sources of innovation in the “Albergo Diffuso”, Mercati e Competitività, 3, 45-64.
  8. Presenza, A., Yucelen, M., Gursoy, S., Camillo, A. (2017), Creating competitive advantage through knowledge sharing in the digital economy, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 103, 129-151
  9. Presenza, A., Yucelen, M., Camillo, A. (2016), Passion before profit in hospitality ventures. Some thoughts on Lifestyle Entrepreneur and the case of Albergo Diffuso, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 34, 221-239.
  10. Del Chiappa, G., Presenza, A., Yücelen, M. (2016), Profiling residents based on their perceptions and attitude toward sport event: insights from the FIA World Rally Championship, Tourismos, 11, 26-51.
  11. Abbate, A., D’Amico, A., Presenza, A., Yücelen, M. (2015), Exploring the Market Orientation of Olive Oil Consortia: an analysis in the Italian context, Piccola Impresa/Small Business, 3, 26-42.
  12. Presenza, A. (2015), L’Open Innovation nel contesto delle PMI vitivinicole, Piccola Impresa/Small Business, 3, 43-65.
  13. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Micera, R. (2015), The Cittaslow Movement: Opportunities and Challenges for the Governance of Tourism Destinations, Tourism Planning & Development, 12(4), 1-10.
  14. Presenza,  A., Perfetto, M. C. (2015), Industrial Heritage Management (IHM). Inquadramento di un campo di studio emergente attraverso la revisione della letteratura, Capitale Culturale, 11, 313-336
  15. Presenza A., Abbate, T., Perano, M. (2015), The cittaslow certification and its effects on sustainable tourism governance, Enlightening Tourism - A Pathmaking Journal, 5(1), 40-64.
  16. Sheehan, L., Presenza, A., Lee, S. (2014), Public Private Collaboration in Event Management. An Exploratory Study of the Italian Sport Event ‘Giro d’Italia’, Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 3(2), 1-10.
  17. Presenza, A., Micera, R., Splendiani, S., Del Chiappa, G.. (2014), Stakeholder e-involvement and participatory tourism planning, Analysis of an Italian case-study, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 5(3), 311-328.
  18. Presenza, A., Del Chiappa, G. (2013), Entrepreneurial strategies in leveraging food as a tourist resource. A cross-regional analysis in Italy, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 8(2-3), 182-192.
  19. Presenza, A., Del Chiappa, G., Sheehan, L. (2013), Residents’ Engagement and Local Tourism Governance in Maturing Beach Destinations. Evidence from an Italian Case Study, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2(1), 22-30.
  20. Presenza, A., Sheehan, L. (2013), Planning tourism through sporting events, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 4(2), 125-139.
  21. Del Chiappa, G.., Presenza, A. (2013), The use of Network Analysis to assess relationships among stakeholders within a tourism destination. An empirical investigation on Costa Smeralda-Gallura (Italy), Tourism Analysis, 18(1), 1-13.
  22. Presenza, A., Iocca, S. (2012), High cuisine restaurants: Empirical evidences from a research in Italy, European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 3(3), 69-85.
  23. Presenza, A., Iocca, S. (2012), The weight of stakeholders on festival management. The case of music festival in Italy, PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 10(2), 25-35.
  24. Sheehan, L., Presenza, A. (2011), The organizational impacts of quality management in tourism firms: An empirical investigation of the Molise Region, Italy, Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 59(4), 427-446.
  25. Presenza, A. (2011), Il turismo. Volano per lo sviluppo locale, Glocale, 2-3, 167-184.
  26. Presenza, A., Iocca, S. (2011), Pratiche di stakeholder management nella gestione dei rifiuti: il caso della Comunità Montana Molise Centrale, Azienda Pubblica, 1, 25-44.
  27. Presenza, A., Cipollina, M. (2010), Analysing tourism stakeholders networks, Tourism Review, 65(4), 17-30.
  28. Presenza, A., Minguzzi, A., Petrillo, C. (2010), Managing Wine Tourism in Italy, Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 2 (1), 46-61.
  29. Presenza, A., Moreno, S. (2009), Immagine del museo tra esigenze del visitatore e commitment del management, Il caso: l’offerta museale dell’isola Gran Canaria (Spagna), Micro&Macro Marketing, XVIII/3, 403-416.



  1. Formato, R., Presenza, A. (2018), Management della destinazione turistica: Attori, strategie e indicatori di performance, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
  2. Presenza, A., Sheehan, L. (2017), Geopolitics and Strategic Management in the Global Economy, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
  3. Presenza, A., Abbate, T. (2016), Inbound Open Innovation nelle Piccole e Medie Imprese. Analisi teorica ed evidenza empirica nel settore vitivinicolo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
  4. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A. (2010), Destination building. Teorie e pratiche per il management della destinazione turistica, Pearson, Milano.
  5. Presenza, A. (2008), Destination Management Organization. Ruolo, organizzazione ed indicatori di performance, FrancoAngeli, Milano



  1. Sheehan, L., Presenza, A. (2020), Reconceptualising Stakeholder Importance: An Empirical Test in the Not-for-Profit Context. In: Roth, S., Popp, B., Horbel, C. (eds.), Perspektiven des Dienstleistungsmanagements: Aus Sicht von Forschung und Praxis, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden (pp. 537-556).
  2. Camillo, A.A., Presenza, A., Di Virgilio, F. (2015), An Analysis of the Characteristics and Dynamic Development of an Emergent Sustainable Hotel Business Model in Italy. In Camillo, A. (ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Hospitality and Tourism Management, IGI Global, Hershey, PA USA (pp. 1-12).
  3. Di Virgilio F., Presenza,  A., Sheehan, L. (2015), Organizational citizenship behavior. A field study in the Italian hospitality industry. In Camillo A. (ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Hospitality and Tourism Management, IGI Global, Hershey, PA (USA) (pp. 163-184).
  4. Camillo, A., Minguzzi, T., Presenza, A., Holt, S. (2015), Natural Environmental Sustainability and Micro-Tourism Destinations: The Case of Southern Italy. In Parsa, H. G., Navapareddy, V. (eds.), Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism. CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  5. Go, F.M.. Della Lucia, M., Trunfio, M., Presenza, A. (2014), E-governance-based Smart Place Branding: Challenges and Implications for Local Identity and Cultural Entrepreneurship. In Go, F. M., Lemmetyinen, A., Hakala, U. (eds), Harnessing Place Branding Through Cultural Entrepreneurship, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  6. Presenza, A., Trunfio, M. (2013), Il sustainable destination building nelle isole minori: verso lo stakeholder engagement e l’embedded governance. In: Franch, M., Martini, U. (eds.), Management per la sostenibilità dello sviluppo turistico e la competitività dele destinazioni, Il Mulino, Bologna.
  7. Di Berardino, D., Presenza, A. (2012), Il crisis management nelle aziende turistico ricettive. In: Sargiacomo, M. (ed.), Banche, imprese, università: out of the crisis?, Giappichelli, Torino (pp. 181-203).
  8. Presenza, A., Trunfio, M. (2012), Lo stakeholder engagement nei processi di sustainable destination building. Il caso delle Isole Tremiti. In: Trunfio, M. (ed.), Modelli e Best Practice per la competitività e la sostenibilità delle destinazioni italiane, Enzo Albano, Napoli (pp. 91-120).
  9. Presenza, A., Di Berardino, D. (2012), Il ruolo del networking nella gestione della destinazione turistica. Il caso del terremoto del 6 aprile 2009 in Abruzzo. In: M. Meini (ed.), Turismo al plurale. Una lettura integrata del territorio per un’offerta turistica sostenibile, Milano, FrancoAngeli (pp. 318-332).
  10. Minguzzi, A., Presenza A. (2012), Le condizioni di efficacia nel processo di sviluppo turistico di un territorio. In: Meini, M. (ed.), Turismo al plurale. Una lettura integrata del territorio per un’offerta turistica sostenibile. FrancoAngeli, Milano (pp. 155-167).
  11. Presenza, A., Iocca S. (2012), The role of restaurants in promoting local food. An exploratory research on a sample of top Italian restaurants. In: Romano M. F. e Natilli, M. (eds.), Wine and Food Tourism First European Conference, April 13-15 2011, Edizioni ETS, Volterra (Pisa).
  12. Presenza, A., Ioccca, S. (2012), The importance of interorganizational relationships in the development of the tourism destination. In: Morvillo, A. (ed.), Advances in Tourism Studies, McGraw-Hill, Milano (pp. 171-192).
  13. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A. (2012), Destination building. A strategic approach to the sustainable development of a tourism destination. In: Morvillo, A. (ed), Advances in tourism studies, McGraw-Hill, Milano (pp. 471-489).
  14. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A., Leonelli, D. (2011), Lo studio della competitività turistica delle regioni italiane attraverso l'analisi multivariata, In: Becheri E., Maggiore G.. (eds.), Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano (XVII ed. 2010-2011), FrancoAngeli, Milano (pp. 281-295).
  15. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A. (2008), Il Turismo nella Regione Molise. In: Marchetti, D., Marino, D. Cannata, G.. (eds.), Relazione sullo stato dell’ambiente nella Regione Molise, Regione Molise, Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso.
  16. Petrillo, C. S., Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A. (2008), Revitalizing rural spaces through creativity: new ways of using traditional resources. The case of wine tourism in Italy, in Richards, G., Wilson, J. (eds.), From cultural tourism to creative tourism, Proceedings of the ATLAS International Conference, Part. 4, Barcelona 2005.
  17. Minguzzi, A, Presenza, A., Petrillo, C. S. (2007), The Competitiveness of the South Italian Tourism Regions through Wine Tourism, in WTO, Ulysses Conference 2007 “Knowledge-based Development through Tourism”, Madrid, 30-31 May 2007, Conference Papers Book. UNWTO, Madrid (Spain).
  18. Presenza, A. (2007), La valutazione delle performance delle Agenzie regionali di promozione turistica: significato e possibili applicazioni del Regional Strategic Marketing Audit. In ZILLI, I. (ed.), Il Turismo tra teoria e prassi, ESI, Napoli (pp. 239-255).
  19. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A. (2005), Il ruolo delle Destination Management Organization per la competitività dei sistemi turistici territoriali. In Morvillo, A., Petrillo, C.S. (eds.), Sviluppo del territorio: Identità e integrazione. Il Caso del Parco Nazionale del Cilento e del Vallo di Diano. Collana Studi sull’Impresa di Servizi, IRAT-CNR, Vol. III. Alfredo Guida Editore, Napoli.



  1. Splendiani, S., Forlani, F., Picciotti A., Presenza, A. (2020), Il contributo del Turismo dei Cammini alla creazione di social value per territori marginali. Il caso della ‘Via Francigena’, XVII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing - Il Marketing per una società migliore, LIUC - Università Cattaneo di Castellanza, Varese, 29 - 30 Ottobre.
  2. Franco, S., Presenza, A., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Peruffo, E. (2020), Tradition-Driven Business Model, Value Creation and Value Capture in High-End Hotels, Sinergie-Sima Management Conference ‘Grand challenges: companies and universities working for a better society’, University of Pisa - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, 7-8 September.
  3. Presenza, A., Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Splendiani, S. (2019), Social Innovation in the Digital Era. Highlights from Airbnb, XVI Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing - Marketing 4.0: le sfide della multicanalità, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, 24 - 25 Ottobre.
  4. Presenza, A., Casali, G.L. (2019), Millennials’ travel behavior and related influencing factors, Sinergie-Sima Management Conference ‘Management and Sustainability - Creating Shared Value in the Digital Era’, Sapienza University of Rome, 20-21 June.
  5. Abbate, T., Presenza, A., Cesaroni, A., Meleddu, M. (2019), Factors Influencing the Creative Process in Culinary Innovations: a Comparison between Starred Chefs and Chefs in Training, IFKAD 2019 Knowledge Ecosystems and Growth, Università della Basilicata, Matera, Italy,  June 5-7.
  6. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Meleddu, M., Sheehan, L. (2019), Startuppers’ Personality Traits. An Exploratory Analysis on the Italian Tourism Sector, ACuDiT 6th International Conference - Cultural and Tourism Innovation: Integration and Digital Transition, Athens, 12-15 June.
  7. Presenza, A. (2018), The effects of country of origin on haute cuisine marketing strategies, XV Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing - I Percorsi identitari nel Marketing, Bari, 18-19 ottobre.
  8. Abbate, T., Presenza, A., Cesaroni, F., Meleddu, M., Sheehan, L. (2018), Factors influencing the creative process and culinary innovation. Highlights from Michelin-Rated Chefs, Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference, Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, 14-15 June.
  9. Presenza, A., Casali, G..L., Mari, C., Modina, M. (2018), How to rise above the crowd?, Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference - Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, 14-15 June.
  10. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Minguzzi, A. (2017), Social innovation through crowdfunding. The case of ‘Meridonare’, Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference - Value co-creation: le sfide di management per le imprese e la società, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli,  9-10 Giugno.
  11. Abbate, T., Presenza, A., Viassone, M. (2016), A New Conceptual Model for the Hotel Industry: Sustainability vs Open Innovation, EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, Warsaw, Poland, September 14-16.
  12. Presenza, A., Camillo, A.A., Camillo, I.C. (2015), Sustainable innovations in the accommodation sector. The dynamic development of the emergent ‘Albergo Diffuso’ (Diffused Hotel) in Italy. 3rd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality and 1st USA-China Tourism Research Summit: Transforming Partnerships, UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 15-19.
  13. Camillo, A.A., Camillo, I.C., Presenza, A., Di Virgilio, F. (2015), An investigation of the strategic enterprise risk management, crisis communication and preparedness, 3rd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality and 1st USA-China Tourism Research Summit: Transforming Partnerships, UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 15-19.
  14. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Vargas, A. (2015), Open Innovation in SMEs. An exploratory analysis in the wine sector, 8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, Verona, 16-18.
  15. Presenza, A., Abbate, T., Perfetto, M.C. (2015), Rigenerazione e Management dell’Industrial Heritage, XXVII Conference of Sinergie “Heritage, Management e impresa: quali sinergie?”, Termoli, 9-10 luglio.
  16. Presenza, A., Yucelen, M., Camillo, A. (2015), Passion before profit in hosptiality ventures. Some thoughts on Lifestyle Entrepreneurs and Albergo Diffuso, XXVII Conference of Sinergie - Heritage, Management e impresa: quali sinergie?, Termoli, 9-10 luglio.
  17. Camillo, A., Holt, S., Presenza, A., Di Virgilio, F. (2015), A Global perspective on strategic enterprise risk management and crisis preparedness. XXVII Conference of Sinergie - Heritage, Management e impresa: quali sinergie?, Termoli, 9-10 luglio.
  18. Camillo, A., Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A., Holt, S. (2014), Natural Environmental Sustainabilitya and Micro-Tourism Destinations: The Case of Southern Italy, Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, Napa, California (USA), April 1-4.
  19. Go, F., Trunfio, M., Presenza, A., Della Lucia, M. (2013), E-governance-based sustainable, smart and inclusive community brand building. Lessons learned in eight Italian regional DMOs, Conference on Changing Asian Consumption Patterns and Emerging Dilemmas: A New Research Agenda for the Next Practice in Tourism and Hospitality Guangzhou, China, December 2-4.
  20. Del Chiappa, G., Splendiani, S., Micera, R., Presenza, A. (2013), Dalle Smart Cities alle Smart Destination: ICTs e Web 2.0 per il vantaggio competitivo delle Destinazioni Turistiche, X Convegno SIM - Smart life. Dall’innovazione tecnologica al mercato, Università degli Studi Bicocca, Milano, 3-4 ottobre.
  21. Sheehan, L., Presenza, A.,  (2013), Albergo Diffuso: A Growing Accommodation Niche in Tourism, 9th  Annual International Conference on Tourism, Athens (Greece), 10-13 June.
  22. Presenza, A., Micera, R. (2013), Smart Sustainable Tourism Development. A new emerging paradigm in destination governance, Conference Celebrating and Enhancing the Tourism Knowledge-based Platform: A Tribute to Jafar Jafari, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca (Spain). 23-25 October.
  23. Del Chiappa, G., Splendiani, S., Micera, R., Presenza, A. (2013), Dalle Smart Cities alle Smart Destination: ICTs e Web 2.0 per il vantaggio competitivo delle Destinazioni Turistiche, X Convegno SIM - Smart life. Dall’innovazione tecnologica al mercato, Università degli Studi Bicocca, Milano, 3-4 ottobre.
  24. Sheehan, L., Presenza, A. (2013), Albergo Diffuso: A Sustainable Tourism Innovation or Niche Accommodation?, IFKAD 2013 Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities, Zagreb (Croatia), 12-14 June.
  25. Micera, R., Presenza, A., Splendiani, S., Del Chiappa, G. (2013), SMART Destinations: new strategies to manage tourism industry, IFKAD 2013 Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities, Zagreb (Croatia), 12-14 June.
  26. Di Virgilio, F., Presenza, A., Sheehan, L. (2013), Organizational citizenship behavior in the hospitality industry. A field study in Southern Italy, XIV Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, Università la Sapienza, Roma, 30-31 maggio.
  27. Presenza A., Iocca S. (2013), Public administration and event management. An exploratory study on the Italian sport event “Giro d’Italia. XIV Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, Università la Sapienza, Roma, 30-31 maggio.
  28. Presenza, A., Iocca S. (2012), A meta-analysis of case studies in tourism. Highlights in the governance's field. In: Alfonso Morvillo. Competition and innovation in tourism: New challenges in an uncertain environment. Napoli, 13-14 settembre, 2, p. 615-633, Enzo Albano, ISBN: 9788889677889.
  29. Presenza, A., Del Chiappa G. (2012). The use of local gatronomy in the restaurant's activities and strategies. An exploratory analysis in the Italian context. In: Alfonso Morvillo. Competition and innovation in tourism: New challenges in an uncertain environment. Napoli, 13-14 settembre, p. 179-192, Enzo Albano, ISBN: 9788889677889.
  30. Iocca, S., Presenza, A., Sheehan, L. (2012), Governance in tourism. A state-of-the-art analysis. In: Desperately seeking performance in organizations, XIII Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, Università degli Studi di Verona, 28-29 maggio, ISBN: 9788861298712.
  31. Presenza, A., Lizotte, M. (2012), How the introduction of a hotel/lodging tax affects the DMO's effectiveness: the case study of Tourisme Montreal. In: Desperately seeking performance in organizations, XIII Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, Università degli Studi di Verona, 28-29 maggio, ISBN: 9788861298712.
  32. Presenza, A. (2011), Local forms of governance. What’s going on in the tourism sector? Empirical evidence from an Italian tourist destination, 7th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Naple, July, 11-13, ISBN: 978887146778-8.
  33. Presenza, A., Iocca, S, (2011), Stakeholder management and event organization: an exploratory analysis in the field of Italian Music Festivals, Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management. Istanbul, 19-24 June, Bogazici University Printhouse, Istanbul, pp. 663-669, ISBN/ISSN: 9789755183299.
  34. Presenza, A., Iocca, S. (2011), Portrait of a tourism enterprise category. Empirical evidences from a sample of high cuisine restaurants in Italy, Generazioni e Ri-Generazioni nei Processi Organizzativi. Conference Proceedings. Napoli, 16-18 Giugno 2011, Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, p. 1-13, ISBN/ISSN: 9788889677216.
  35. Presenza, A. (2011), The role of restaurants in promoting local food. An exploratory research on a sample of top Italian restaurants, First European Conference on Wine and Food Tourism, Volterra (Pisa, Italy), April 13-15. ISBN 978-884672967-5.
  36. Del Chiappa, G.., Presenza, A. (2011), The network analysis approach in analyzing a tourist destination, The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium – International Scientific Congress on Courrent Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, Atene, 2-3 February. ISBN: 978-960-6746-11-6.
  37. Presenza, A., Minguzzi, A. (2011), Destination building. A strategic approach to the sustainable development of a tourism destination, UNWTO Knowledge Network Forum on Tourism and Science: Bridging theory and practice, Vilamoura (Algarve, Portugal), 1-3 June.
  38. Presenza, A., Minguzzi, A., Iocca, S. (2010), Il Sistema della Gestione Integrata dei Rifiuti e il ruolo dell’attore pubblico: il caso della Comunità Montana Molise Centrale?, 1st International Conference on Economics and Management of Public Utilities, Università degli Studi di Milano, 15-16 luglio.
  39. Presenza, A., Minguzzi, A., Iocca, S. (2010), Governance of public utilities and relationships among stakeholders. Evidences from a System of Waste Management, 33° Convegno annuale AIDEA - Pubblico & non profit per un mercato responsabile e solidale, Università Bocconi, Milano, 21 e 22 Ottobre 2010.
  40. Presenza, A., Iocca, S. (2010), Pratiche di network management nella governance delle public utilities: evidenze empiriche emergenti dall’analisi della gestione integrata dei rifiuti nella regione Molise, XI workshop dei docenti e dei ricercatori di organizzazione aziendale - Incertezza, Creatività e Razionalità Organizzative, Università degli studi di Bologna, 16-18 giugno.
  41. Presenza, A., Camillo, A., Minguzzi, A. (2009), An investigation of the quality of tourist destinations through customer satisfaction analysis. An empirical study of three tourist beach destinations in South-Central Italy, Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium 2009, Brunico (Italy), December 15-19.
  42. Presenza, A., Cipollina, M. (2009), Analysis of links and features of tourism destination’s stakeholders. An empirical investigation on a south Italian region, The 2009 Naples forum on services: service-dominant logic, service science, and network theory, Capri (Italy), June 16-19.
  43. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A. (2008), What does innovation in tourism education mean for Italian Universities? The answer of the University of Molise, UNWTO Ulysses Conference Education and Knowledge Management: Meeting Future Challenges, Madrid (Spain), 28-29 May.
  44. Minguzzi, A., Presenza, A., Petrillo, C. (2006), The Competitiveness of the South Italian Tourism Regions through Wine Tourism, UNWTO Ulysses Conference - Governance for Excellence in Tourism Destinations, United Nations World Tourism Organization Education Council, and Education and Knowledge Management Department, Madrid (Spain), 1-2 June.