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Pubblicazioni - Prof. Pasquale TREMATERRA


Pubblicazioni presenti sul Catalogo Istituzionale

Elenco delle pubblicazioni


Perovic D.J., Gamez-Virues S., Landis D.A., Tscharntke T., Zalucki M.P., Saura S., Furlong M.J., Desneux N., Sciarretta A., Balkenhol N., Schmidt J.M., Trematerra P., Westphal C., 2022 - Broadening the scope of empirical studies to answer persistent questions in landscape-moderated effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. – Adv. Ecol. Res., 65: 109-131.

Tamburro M., Sammarco M.L., Trematerra P., Colacci M., Ripabelli G., 2022 – Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Insecta, Coleoptera) in a single house of a broiler production facility as a potential source of pathogenic bacteria for broilers and humans. – Letters in Appl. Microbiol.,

Trematerra P., 2022 - Lepidoptera Tortricidae. In: Minelli A., Bologna M.A, Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana (in stampa).

Adler C., Athanassiou C., Carvalho M.O., Emekci M., Gvozdenac S., Hamel D., Riudavets J., Stejskal V., Trdan S., Trematerra P., 2022 - Changes in the distribution and pest risk of stored product insects in Europe due to global warming: need for pan-European pest monitoring and improved food-safety. – J. Stored Prod. Res., 97. 101977.

Trematerra P., Li H.H., 2022 – Faunistic notes on few Tortricid moths from Central Asia and Russian Far East (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). – REDIA, 105: 21-27.

Trematerra P., Colacci M., 2022 – Notes on Lepidoptera Tortricidae from Thessaly region with 13 new records for Greek fauna. – Bulletin of Insectology, 75 (2): 169-176.

Trematerra P., 2022 – New taxa for the Italian Lepidoptera Tortricidae fauna. - J. Entomol. Acarol. Res., 54: 10419.

Trematerra P., 2022 - Notes on the navel orangewarm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in Europe, a potential Union quarantine pest. - Bulletin of Insectology, 75 (2): 287-291.

Colacci M., Trematerra P., Sciarretta A., 2022 – Evaluation of Trap Devices for Mass Trapping of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) Populations. – Insects, 13, 941: 1-12.

Trematerra P., Colacci M., 2022 – Platynota stultana Walsingham found in Italy, invasive pest in Europe (Lepidoptera Tortricidae). Redia, 105: 183-189. 

Karimzadeh R., Malekzadeh M., Iranipour S., Trematerra P., 2023 – Spatio-temporal distribution and mass-trapping of leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina in walnut orchards. – International Journal of Pest Management.

Trematerra P., 2023 - Controllo degli animali infestanti nelle imprese alimentari. In Colavita G., Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti - Point Vétérinaire Italie Srl, Milano: 291-309.

Trematerra P., Scalercio S., Fumo F., Colacci M., 2023 – Lepidoptera Tortricidae from the Sila Massif and surrounding territory (southern Italy) with description of Acleris silana sp.n. – Redia, 106: 3-12.

Balletto E., Trematerra P., Zilli A., 2023 - Lepidoptera, 34. In: Minelli A., Bologna M.A. (Eds), Sistematica degli Esapodi. - Liguori Editori, Napoli: 529-574.

Trematerra P., 2023 - Thaumatotibia leucotreta and Epiphyas postvittana found in Italy, invasive pest in Europe (Lepidoptera Tortricidae). - Bulletin of Insectology: 76 (2): 203-207.1.     

Matè D., Trematerra P., 2023 – Biblioteche e conservazione preventiva. Il ruolo dell’IPM nella strategia di gestione e controllo degli infestanti. – Biblioteche Oggi, aprile: 54-61. 

Trematerra P., 2023 - Controllo degli animali infestanti nelle imprese alimentari. In Colavita G., Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti - Point Vétérinaire Italie Srl, Milano: 291-309.

Trematerra P., Colacci M., 2023 - Phtheochroa apenninana, Epinotia cinereana and Cydia indivisa not yet listed in the Italian fauna, Cnephasia kenneli new to Europe (Lepidoptera Tortricidae). – REDIA, 106: 129-132. 

Trematerra P., Sciarretta A., Colacci M., 2024 – Chrysaster ostensackenella, Parectopa robiniella and Macrosaccus robiniella, three invasive leaf-miner of Robinia pseudoacacia in Italy (Lepidoptera Gracillariidae) – Bulletin of Insectology, 77 (1): 45-53.

Trematerra P., Germinara G.S., Colacci M., 2024 – Olfactory preferences of Sitophilus zeamais to Cereal- and Legume-Based Pasta. – Insects, 15, 167.