Italiano - English - Area riservata
Programma Diritto della Navigazione (INGLESE)

Programma Diritto della Navigazione (INGLESE)

Maritime and Air Law

Features of Maritime and Air Law. Specialty and autonomy of Maritime and Air Law in the judicial system contest. The contact points with ordinary law and the specific and exclusive topics of Maritime and Air Law. Study and analysis of the main Maritime and Air Law topics as well as the utilization contracts concerning the ship and the aircraft.The course aims to describe the national, European and International legal framework.The course also aims to provide students with an accurate in-depth analysis for this specific area of law, therebyanalyzing the historical evolution that characterized the main topics in this field.Finally, the course aims to provide the relevant analytical skills to carry out case-by-case analyses and legal qualifications and also to understand, internalize and evaluate the interpretative issues that may arise in this field - also in light of possible future career and professional developments for which a specific and thorough knowledge of Maritime and Air law is required.

1) Maritime and Air Law: definition, object and characteristics

2) Maritime and Air Law sources

3) Seas and airspace legal regime: territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone, high seas, continental shelf, international sea bottoms, airspace, warships powers in the high seas

4) The Ship and the Aircaft

5) Ship and aircraft administrative regime

6) Ship and aircraft ownership and co-ownership

7) The ship and aircraft management: Ship and aircraft owner

8) Ship and aircraft owner liability

9) The shipping company

10) The ship master and the aircraft commander

11) The special navigations: fishing and pleasure craft

12) Ship and aircraft utilization contracts: the rent

13) Charter party

14) Transport contract

15) Ship or aircfraft collision


A. Lefebvre d’Ovidio – G. Pescatore – L. Tullio, Manuale di diritto della navigazione, Giuffrè, Milano, 2008 (limited to the specified topics in the program)


G. Reale, Lezioni di diritto della navigazione, Laurus Robuffo Editore, Roma, 2008