Pubblicazioni presenti sul Catalogo Istituzionale
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44) S. D e Vita, C. Finamore, M.G.Chini, G. Saviano, V. De Felice, S. De Marino, G. Lauro, A. Casapullo, F. Fantasma, F. Trombetta, G. Bifulco, MariaIorizzi. (2022) Phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extract and essential oilfrom leaves of industrial hemp Futura 75 cultivar: Isolation of a new cannabinoid derivative and biological profile using computational approaches. Plants. doi: 10.3390/plants11131671.
43) De Vita S., Chini M.G., Saviano G. Finamore C., Festa C., Lauro G., De Marino S., Russo R., Avagliano C., Casapullo A., Calignano A., Bifulco G and Iorizzi M. (2021) Biological Profile of Two Gentiana lutea L. Metabolites Using Computational Approaches and in vitro Tests. Biomolecules, 11(1490). DOI 103390/biom11101490.
42) C. Caprari, F. Fantasma, F. Divino, A. Bucci, M. Iorizzi, G. Naclerio, G. Ranalli, G. Saviano. (2021) Chemical Profile, in Vitro Biological Activity and Comparison of Essential Oils from Fresh and Dried Flowers of Lavandula angustifolia L. Molecules, 26(17), 5317. DOI 10.3390/molecules26175317.
41) G. Saviano, D. Paris, D. Melck, F. Fantasma, A. Motta, M. Iorizzi. (2019). Metabolite variation in three edible Italian Allium cepa L. by NMR-based metabolomics. A comparative study in fresh and stored bulbs. Metabolomics. Vol. 15(8):105. DOI 10.1007/s11306-019-1566-6.
40) G. Saviano, D. Paris, D. Melck, A. Falasca, D. Trupiano, M. Iorizzi, G. S. Scippa, A. Motta. (2016). Monitoring spatial and temporal metabolic dynamics of woody poplar root under mechanical stress conditions by NMR-based metabolomics. Metabolomics, 12:62. DOI 10.1007/s11306-016-0995-8.
39) Falasca, A.; Caprari, C.; De Felice, V.; Fortini, P.;Saviano, G.; Zollo, F.; Iorizzi, M. (2016).GC-MS analysis of the essential oils of Juniperus communis L. berries growing wild in the Molise region: Seasonal variability and in vitro antifungal activity. BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY - ISSN:0305-1978 vol. 69 pp.166-175. DOI:10.1016/j.bse.2016.07.026.
38) A. Falasca, D. Melck, D. Paris, G. Saviano, A. Motta, M. Iorizzi. (2014). Seasonal changes in the metabolic fingerprint of Juniperus communis L. berry extracts by 1H NMR based metabolomics. Metabolomics. DOI 10.1007/s11306-013-0566-1.
37) P. Palladino, L. Portella, G. Colonna, R. Raucci, G. Saviano, F. Rossi, M. Napolitano, S. Scala, G. Castello, S. Costantini. The N-terminal Region of CXCL11 Structural Template for CXCR3 Molecular Recognition: Synthesis, Conformational Analysis, and Binding Studies. (2012). Chem. Biol. Drug Des. 80, 254-265.
36) P. Palladino, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, E. Benedetti, F. Rossi, R. Ragone.
Structural determinants of protein traslocation in bacteria: conformational flexibility of SecA IRA1 loop region.
(2010) Journal of Peptide Science. DOI 10.1002/psc.1324.
35) L. Ronga, P. Palladino, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, E. Benedetti, R. Ragone, F. Rossi.
Structural characterization of a neurotoxic threonine-rich peptide corresponding to the human prion protein 2-helical 180-195 segment, and comparison with full-length
2-helix-derived peptides. (2008) Journal of Peptide Science. V. 14, Issue 10, Date: October, Pages: 1096-1102.
34) M. Antonietta Ciardiello, Daniela Meleleo, Gabriella Saviano, Roberta Crescenzo, Vito Carratore, Laura Camardella, Enrico Gallucci, Silvia Micelli, Teodorico Tancredi, Delia Picone, Maurizio Tamburini.
Kissper, a kiwi fruit peptide with channel-like activity: Structural and functional features. (2008) Journal of Peptide Science. Volume 14, Issue 6, Date: June, Pages: 742-754.
33) L. Ronga, P. Palladino, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, E. Benedetti, Raffaele Ragone and Filomena Rossi
NMR Stucture and CD Titration with metal cations of Human Prion a2-Helix-Related Peptides. (2007) Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications. Volume 2007, Article ID 10720, 9 pages.
32) Ronga L., Palladino P.,Tizzano B., Ragone R. , Ruvo M., Saviano G., Tancredi T., Costantini S., Facchiano A., Benedetti E., Pedone C., Rossi F.. Prion protein helix-2 conformational properties: Implication for full length protein folding and stability. (2006) J.Peptide Sci. Suppl vol 12, Y14, p.6.
31) V. Esposito, R. Gallucci, D. Picone, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi and P. A. Temussi
The Importance of Electrostatic Potential in the interaction of Sweet Proteins with the Sweet Taste Receptor.
(2006) J. Mol. Bio. 360, 448-456.
30) P. Palladino, L. Ronga, B. Tizzano, C. Pedone, F. Ross, R. Ragone, T. Tancredi, G. Saviano, A. Facchiano, S. Costantini, M. Ruvo and E. Benedetti. Prion Protein Misfolding: Conformational Stability of the 2-Helix.
(2005) Understanding Biology Using Peptides. S.E. Blondelle ed. APS.
29) P. Palladino, B. Tizzano, C. Pedone, R. Ragone, F. Rossi, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, E. Benedetti.
Structural determinants of unexpected agonist activity in a retropeptide analogue of the SDF-1N-terminus.
(2005) FEBS Letters, 579, 5293-5298.
28) P. Palladino, A. De Capua, C. Pedone, R. Ragone, F. Rossi, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, C. Limatola, D. Ragozzino and E. Benedetti. Structural features of the interaction between SDF-1 analogues and the CXCR4 receptor.
(2005) 4th Hellenic Forum on bioactive peptides, 75-81. P. A. Cordopatis ed. Typorama, Patras Grece.
27) A. De Capua, A. Del Gatto, L. Zaccaro, G. Saviano, A. Carlucci, A. Livigni, C. Gedressi, T. Tancredi, C. Pedone, M. Saviano. Syntethic Peptide Reproducing the Mitochondrial Targeting Motif of AKAP121. Synthesis and Conformational Studies. (2004) Biopolymers 76, 459-466.
26) G. Saviano, E. Benedetti, R. Cozzolino, P. Laccetti, P. Palladino, A. De Capua, G. Zanotti, P. Amodeo, T. Tancredi and F. Rossi. Influence of conformational flexibility on biological activity in cyclic Astin analogues.
(2004) Biopolymers 76, 477-484.
25) F. Rossi, G. Zanotti, M. Saviano, R. Iacovino, p. Palladino, G. Saviano, P. Amodeo, T. Tancredi, P. Lancetti and E. Benedetti. New Antitumoral Cyclic Astin Analogues: Synthesis, Conformation and Biology. (2004) J. Peptide. Science10, 92-102.
24) R. Spadaccini, F. Trabucco, G. Saviano, D. Picone, O. Crescenzi, T. Tancredi and P. A. Temussi.
The Mechanism of interaction of Sweet Proteins with the T1R2-T1R3 Receptor: Evidence from the Solution Structure of G16A-MNEI. (2003) J. Mol. Bio. 328 683-692.
23) F. Rossi, G. Zanotti, M. Saviano, R. Iacovino, P. Palladino, G. Saviano, P. Amodeo, T. Tancredi, D. Spalletti, P. Laccetti and E. Benedetti. New antitumoral cyclic astin analogues containing uncoded amino acid residues: synthesis, structural and biological studies. (2002) Peptides 2002. Benedetti E., Pedone C. eds. Ziino. 868-869.
22) F. Rossi, A. De Capua, G. Zanotti, T. Tancredi, P. Amodeo, G. Saviano, M. Saviano, R. Iacovino and E. Benedetti.
Conformation of 3-Residues-Containing Cyclic Pentapeptide Analogues of the Antitumoral Astin Family.
(2001) Peptides: “The Wave of the Future”, V. M. Lebl and R. A. Houghten, Eds, APS, San Diego Ca, 289-290.
21) R. Spadaccini, O. Crescenzi, T. Tancredi, N. De Casamassimi, G. Saviano, R. Scognamiglio, A. Di Donato and P. A. Temussi. NMR Structure of a sweet protein, the single chain monellin MNEI. (2001) J. Mol. Bio., 305, 505-514.
20) G. Saviano, F. Rossi, E. Benedetti, C. Pedone, D. F. Mierke, A. Maione, G. Zanotti, T. Tancredi and M. Saviano.
Structural Consequences of Metal Complexation of cyclo[Pro-Phe_Phe-Ala-Xaa]2 Decapeptides. (2001) Chemistry a Eur. J.,7 N° 6, 1176-1183.
19) G. Saviano, O. Crescenzi, D. Picone, P. A. Temussi and T. Tancredi. Solution Structure of Human b-endorphin in Helicogenic solvents: a NMR Study. (1999) J. Peptide Sci., 5, 410-422.
18) G. Zanotti, M. Saviano, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, F. Rossi, C. Pedone and E. Benedetti.
Crystal and Solution Conformation of the Cyclo(Pro-Phe-Phe-Aib-Leu). (1998) J. Peptide Res., 51, 460-466.
17) P. Amodeo, G. Saviano, G. Borin, A. Calderan, P. Ruzza, and T. Tancredi.
Solution Conformational Analysis of Sodium Complexed [Gly6]- and [Gly9]- Antamanide Analogs. (1998) J. Peptide Res., 51, 180-187.
16) T. Tancredi, G. Saviano, C. Pedone, F. Rossi, M. Saviano, K. Ziegler, H. Kemmer, D. F. Mierke and G. Zanotti.
Structure Activity Relationships of Cyclodecapeptides Inhibiting the Cholate Uptake in Hepatocytes.
in “Peptides 1996”, R. Ramage and R. Epton, Eds., Mayflower Scientigfic Ltd, Kingswinfort, 821- 822, (1998).
15) G. Caliendo, P. Grieco, E. Perissutti, V. Santagata, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi and P.A. Temussi. Conformational Analysis of three NK1 Tripeptide Antagonists. A 1H NMR Study. (1997) Journal of Medicinal Chemisrty, 40, 594-601.
14) F. Rossi, M. Saviano, P. Di Talia, B. di Blasio, C. Pedone, G. Zanotti, M. Mosca, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi, K. Ziegler and E. Benedetti. Solution and Solid State Structure of an Aib-Containing Cyclodecapeptide Inhibiting the Cholate Uptake in Hepatocytes. (1996) Biopolymers. 40, 465-478.
13) T. Tancredi, G. Saviano, P. Fucile and G. Zanotti. Bioactive peptides: Solution Structure Determination, by NMR methods, of Cyclodecapeptides inhibiting the cholate uptake in hepatocytes. (1995) Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance., 17 192-193 (David G. Gorenstein editor).
12) A. Motta, B. Bremnes, M. A. Castiglione Morelli, R. W. Frank, G. Saviano and O. Bakke.
Structure-Activity Relationship of the Leucine-Based Sorting Motifs in the Cytosolic Tail of the MHC-Associated Invariant Chain. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 27165-27171.
11) G. Zanotti, A. Maione, F. Rossi, M. Saviano, C. Pedone, P. Fucile, G. Saviano and T. Tancredi.
Solution structure of cyclopeptides inhibiting the cholate uptake in hepatocytes. in “Peptides 1994” (H.L.S. Maia, ed.) 1995, 559-560, ESCOM, Leiden.
10) G. Zanotti, F. Rossi, M. Saviano, T. Tancredi, G. Saviano, A. Maione, M. Filizola, B. Di Blasio and C. Pedone.
A Potent Cyclolinopeptide A Analogue: Solid State and Solution Conformation of cyclo[Pro-Phe-Phe-Ala-Glu-(OtBu)]2. (1995) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 8651-8658.
9) P. Amodeo, P. Rovero, G. Saviano and P. A. Temussi. Solution conformation of c-[Gln-Trp-Phe-Gly-Leu-Met], a NK2 tachykinin antagonist. (1994) International Journal of Peptide &Protein Research 12, 1-6.
8) M. Tallon, D. Ron, D. Halle, P. Amodeo, G. Saviano, P. A. Temussi, Z. Selinger, F. Naider and M. Chorev.
Synthesys, Biological Activity and Conformational analysis of [pGlu6, N-Me-Phe8, Aib9] Substance P(6-11): a selective agonist for the NK3 receptor. (1993) Biopolymers 33, 915-926.
7) T. Tancredi, H. Iijima, G. Saviano, P. Amodeo, P. A. Temussi.
Structural Determination of the Active Site of a Sweet Protein: A 1H NMR Investigation of pMNEI. (1992) FEBS Letters 310, 27-30.
6) P. Amodeo, A. Motta, T. Tancredi, D. Picone, G. Saviano, P. A. Temussi, S. Salvadori and R. Tomatis.
Conformation activity relationship of deltorphin I: A NMR study in viscous media. (1992) Peptides "Chemistry and Biology", J. A. Smith and J. E. Rivier, Eds., ESCOM Science Publisher B.V., Leiden, 115-116.
5) P. A. Temussi, D. Picone, G. Saviano, P. Amodeo, A. Motta, T. Tancredi, S. Salvadori and R.Tomatis.
Conformational Analysis of an Opioid Peptide in Solvent Media that Mimic Cytoplasm Viscosity. (1992) Biopolymers 32, 367-372.
4) P. Amodeo, A. Motta, T. Tancredi, S. Salvadori, R. Tomatis, D. Picone, G. Saviano and P. A. Temussi.
Solution Structure of Deltorphin I at 265 K: A Quantitative NMR Study. (1992) Peptide Research 5, 49-55.
3) P. Amodeo, A. Motta, D. Picone, G. Saviano, T. Tancredi and P. A. Temussi.
Viscosity as a Conformational Sieve. NOE of linear Peptides in Cryoprotective Mixtures. (1991) Journal of Magnetic Resonance 95, 201-207.
2) G. Saviano, P. A. Temussi, A. Motta, C. Maggi, and P. Rovero. Conformation- Activity Relationships of Tachikinin Neurokinin A(4-10) and of Some (Xaa8) Analogues. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 42 10175-10181.
1) M. A. Castiglione Morelli, G. Saviano, P. A. Temussi, G. Balboni, S. Salvadori and R. Tomatis.
NMR Studies of a series of Dehydrodermorphins. (1989) Biopolymers 28, 129-138.