Italiano - English - Area riservata
Curriculum - Prof.ssa Angela STANISCI



Education: Degree in Biological Sciences in 1987. PhD in Plant Systematics and Ecology in 1992.

Positions: Researcher in Plant Ecology at University of Rome “La Sapienza” during the period 1994-2000. Associate professor in Environmental Botany at University of Molise since 2000 so far. National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Full Professor obtained on 6 Nov 2018.

Supervisor of 6 doctoral fellows in the last 15 years.

2014-today: delegate of Department of Bioscience and Territory for students with disabilities or with specific learning disabilities (SLD)

2016-today: advisor of teaching committee for the master degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences and Technologies

2021- today: Member of Joint Teachers-Students Commission, Department of Bioscience and Territory,University of Molise

Research interests:  My research interests are focused on vascular plant diversity and functional ecology of high mountain ecosystems, long term ecological monitoring of global change, ecological impact of invasive alien species on native plant communities and Natura 2000 habitats, ecosystem services, applied conservation biology. Research activity is documented by more than 150 scientific papers on national and international peer-review journals (e.g. Science, Nature Climate Change, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Ecology, Global Change Biology, Science of the Total Environment, Ecological Indicators, Biodiversity and Conservation, AoB PLANTS, Plant Biosystems).

Scientific responsible of 10 research projects financed by EU funds, national or regional funds in the last 10 years.