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Research Topics

Research Topics

The scientific activity is directed to studies on: etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, interaction between plant/host, interaction between pathosystem/antagonistic microorganisms,  conventional/integrated/sustainable/biological strategies against pathogens of Mediterranean plant species in the field and post-harvest.

The research activity is documented by over 130 papers published in scientific national and international journal, or presented at  national and international conferences.

The main research topics are:

- isolation, biochemical and molecular characterization, antagonistic activity of antagonistic microorganisms of fungal pathogens in the field and post-harvest of the main Mediterranean plant species;

- Optimization of the activity of microorganisms (yeasts and bacteria) biological control agents with naturally occurring substances against fungal and bacterial pathogens;

- studies on host-pathogen-antagonist interactions;

- Developing, evaluating and validating of conventional, integrated and biological control strategies against  pathogens of  Mediterranean crop in field and post-harvest of Mediterranean crop to obtain products and derivatives with low levels of pesticide residues and mycotoxins.

He has participated as a coordinator or as a component in different national and international research projects.

Collaborates with Italian and foreign research organizations and with private companies.